How do we sit to play the piano?
This is an often overlooked question, of which we sometimes don’t understand the importance.
Coupled with the correct hand technique, the posture you use when sitting is extremely important to develop a correct technique. In fact, only if you’re sitting down correctly can you use the weight of the arms to your advantage, along with the weight of the wrists and hands so that you can lower the piano keys, without having to perform useless and frankly dangerous muscular movements.
And more than anything, by learning to sit in the correct way, you will avoid developping tensions in your joints and muscles, that could later bother you.
But which are the aspects we have to look into to understand how to sit properly at the piano?
Let’s see them together:
- On which part of the stool you should sit
- The height of the stool
- Distance from the piano
- The position of the legs
In the next videos we will accurately examine these aspects and we will study an exercise that will allow you to put into practice what we have learned up to this point, regarding the hand position, while also sitting in the correct way at the piano.
Learning material of this lesson
3 videos | 10 mins |
1. Where to sit, the height of the stool and the distance from the piano | 5m 46s |
2. The position of the legs | 1m 19s |
3. A simple exercise to put in practice what we’ve learnt today | 2m 45s |

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