Tag Archives: composition and arrangements

You’re finding it difficult to write a melody? Here’s something that can help you!


How to write a melody

Chords and harmony are an extremely important part of composition, but of course they’re aren’t everything!
Another important part is the melody, and it isn’t always easy to write a melody.
You might have found yourself from time to time, while playing the piano or the guitar, in the situation where you found a very interesting sequence of chords, and not being able to compose a vocal melody on which you could sing.

The “non-harmonic tones”

We will begin today with a series of video lessons that approach the so-called “non-harmonic tones”, which will help you a lot in composition and writing arrangements.

In today’s videos we will approach two themes in particular:

  1. Why are “non-harmonic tones” so important when writing music?
  2. What are non-harmonic tones?


Learning material of this lesson

3 videos 15 mins
1. The relationship between harmony and melody 7m 18s
2. Composing a melody on a sequence of chords 3m 43s
3. The non-harmonic tones 3m 54s
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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition for a total of 36 videos.

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Arrangements, three different ways of working


We can agree or not about the details of an arrangement, about the use of some instruments in place of others, but I believe that everyone can agree on one aspect:

the arrangement is an essential phase for the correct outcome of any musical piece.

A great arrangement has the magical ability to turn a very ordinary melodic fragment into an excellent track.
Since this topic is of great importance, let’s try to understand exactly what we’re talking about.

What is a musical arrangement?

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With a Free account you gain immediate access to 15 lessons of piano, theory, harmony, music reading and composition for a total of 36 videos.

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This content is for members only.