The ‘suspension chord’
To compose in a very effective way we must start using harmony and melody together. In fact only by mixing them together we can obtain some good results.
This is maybe one of the most important topics that must be understood in depth in order to compose great music. So, as we have already done with ‘appoggiatura’, today we will use suspensions to change our chords.
In this way we can obtain some new chords that can be used in our compositions.
Moreover we will learn to improve our melodies by using suspensions.
Have a good lesson!
Learning material of this lesson
5 videos | 43 mins |
1. How to change seventh chords with suspensions | 7m 02s |
2. Other chord progressions with suspensions | 6m 09s |
3. The ‘suspension chord’ | 6m 09s |
4. How to compose an effective melody by using suspensions (part 1) | 7m 54s |
5. How to compose an effective melody by using suspensions (part 2) | 15m 44s |
+ 1 pdf file |

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