How to use suspensions effectively
Suspensions, just like ‘appoggiatura’, are a very important tool to give our music an interesting flavor. If we analiyze some good songs, we can notice how these notes are essential to make that music so effective.
But to be able to use them in the right way, it is essential to know them in depth.
For this reason in today’s lesson we will cover many topics such as:
- Which are the main differences between suspension and ‘appoggiatura’
- The resolution of a suspension on other weak beats
- The relationship between preparation and suspension
- How to use ascending suspensions
- How we can change the whole harmonic result by using suspensions
Learning material of this lesson
5 videos | 34 mins |
1. ‘Appoggiatura’ and suspensions | 6m 29s |
2. How to resolve a suspension on other weak beats, obtaining a great result | 9m 57s |
3. Let’s start using ascending suspensions | 6m 32s |
4. Simultaneous suspensions | 5m 44s |
5. How to change a chord by using suspensions | 4m 54s |
+ 1 pdf file |

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