Let’s learn to compose
In the last lesson we spoke extensively about the importance of these exercises which allow to develop all mental abilities necessary in the composition of music.
We have also seen a first example of how to carry out these exercises to learn to compose.
But today we will go further
I will show you, through some examples which music sheets you will be able to print out in pdf, how it is possible to obtain more variety in the moment we do these exercises.
To get used to search variety in composition while maintaining a general balance is fundamental for one simple reason: we practice using our imagination and our creativity.
Musical imagination is something which can be improved.
This may be done using possible variants of exercises which I will show you today.
Learning material of this lesson
6 videos | 34 mins |
Intro | 1m 58s |
1. The three possible characteristics which the melody we are composing must have | 5m 28s |
2. How to vary the melodies 1 | 10m 41s |
3. How to vary the melodies 2 | 4m 41s |
4. How to vary the melodies 3 | 12m 03s |
5. Video summary of the 4 examples | 1m 19s |
+ 1 pdf files |

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