
Piano, the thumb passage technique (part 2) and music reading in bass clef 2


The first exercise to learn the thum passage

In the last lesson we learned in-depth how to use the thumb passage technique.
Today we will concentrate on the ‘return of the third’ and in particular how to use the third finger passing over the first.

Moreover, all the phases of the passage technique will be seen through lateral images in order for you to see how this must be done.

Perhaps, the most important aspect of the lesson is made up of the exercise shown in the video which allows you to put into practice all that you have learnt.

At the end of the lesson you will find some music reading lessons in bass clef.

N.B The introductive video with explanation of music reading exercise in bass cleff. Please see link below:

Introduction of music reading in bass clef

Learning material of this lesson

6 videos 19 mins
1. How to study correctly the thumb passage technique 4m 14s
2. How to carry out the passage of third finger 3m 31s
3. Lateral shot n.1 1m 28s
4. Lateral shot n.2 1m 42s
5. Thumb passage exercise for right hand 3m 41s
6. Thumb passage exercise for left and hands together. 4m 25s
+ 1 pdf file
+ 6 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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Strong beat and weak beat, downbeat and upbeat: let’s define these concepts clearly


Strong beat and weak beat

Rhythm is an essential element of music.
For this reason it is necessary to understand how it is really structured and how it gives music the feature of movement.

Today we will go more in-depth into this concept and introduce some fundamental concepts including:

  • what are downbeat and upbeat
  • what are rhythmic accents
  • what distinguishes strong beat from weak beat
  • why strong beat is so important in melody and harmony

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 20 mins
1. Why music is motion 2m 54s
2. What are downbeat and upbeat 1m 51s
3. Binary, ternary and quaternary rhythmn 3m 21s
4. Rhythmic accents: strong beat and weak beat 4m 28s
5. Two considerations about the importance of strong beat 7m 27s
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Piano, the thumb passage technique (part 1) and music reading in bass clef 1


How to play a succession of more than 5 notes

Today, we will start a very important subject – the thumb passage technique.

This is a fundamental piano technique which will allow you to carry out succession of more than 5 notes. It makes up the basis to learning scales!

However this technique must be learned immediately and in the correct way.
Very often, people who start learning the piano on their own do not go through this passage correctly.
This causes a series of problems which are difficult to resolve, so today we will see in-depth how to carry out the thumb passage technique correctly.

Furthermore, we will start music reading in bass clef through specific exercises which can be printed out along with the audio files.
Have a good lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

6 videos 18 mins
1. How to play a succession of more than 5 notes 3m 01s
2. The thumb passage technique and how not to carry it out 3m 38s
3. First two phases of the technique 3m 17s
4. Third phase of the technique 1m 55s
5. Return of the third finger 1m 19s
6. Introduction of music reading exercises in bass clef 5m 05s
+ 1 pdf file
+ 6 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 6)


More complex exercises

Today we will conclude the lessons on the study of fundamental music reading exercises.

We will do this with some exercises which begin to be more complex. In fact we will put together everything that we have learned up to now:

  • Read notes of different pitch and duration
  • Carrry out disjunct motions to different extents
  • Mix different figures (minime, crotchet, quaver, semi quaver)
  • Read groups of semiquavers with disjunct motions

Without realizing you have progressively learned to read music using basic rhythmic figures.

You can immediately apply all this in order to read music and play it on your instrument

Now you are ready to take a new step: to learn new and more complex rhythmic figures.

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 7 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 5)


Practicing with semiquavers

Today we will introduce a very important exercise which you will find in a new figure to read,


Thanks to the help of the introductive video and most of all the audio files in which all the exercises of the lesson are recorded, you will easily get over this difficulty too.

As you can see, you are becoming more and more expert in reading notes!

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 5 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 4)


How to sight read

Many people wonder how a musician is able to sight read a music sheet never seen before, for example on the piano.

It seems a very difficult thing to accomplish as it needs many years of study as well as a thorough knowledge of the instrument.

The ability of sight reading is really a very simple technique which can be learned even by beginners.

Today I will explain exactly what this technique consist in so that you will be able to apply it to all music reading exercises.

You will be able to apply it while playing the piano.

We will also introduce some new exercises which allow you to take a step further in reading notes

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 12 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 3)


Reading pitch of notes quickly

Is there a way to practice reading the pitch of notes quickly?

This is what we are going to practice today!

In the video lesson today, I will explain which is the best way to learn to read the pitch of notes.

You will be able to apply this to the new reading exercises in the pdf files below, followed by audio files.

I advise to study on a regular basis as in short time you will be able to read music and play it on your instrument, whether it be the piano, guitar, flute or violin.

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 15 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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What is the enharmonic relation and which are the advantages that it offers?


The enharmonic equivalents

In the previous lessons we took an in-depth look at the tempered system. We are now able to understand why its introduction is necessary in music practice.

Today, other than this subject, we will look at the most important consequences linked to the use of the tempered system and learn about what is known as ‘enharmonic relation’.

As you will see, we will learn the huge potential of using enharmonic sounds in the development of harmony. Since 1700, all great composers have used in their composition the resource of enharmonic relation.

From today, you can learn how it is possible to use this.

Enjoy the lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 18 mins
1. Equal tempered scale and harmonic relation 2m 15s
2. What are enharmonic equivalents 3m 20s
3. The first consequence of using of enharmonic relation 4m 15s
4. The second consequence of using of enharmonic relation 3m 17s
5. The third consequence of using enharmonic relation 5m 15s
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The 52 essential music reading exercises (part 2)


In the lesson of today, we will continue with the study of 52 very important music reading exercises.

These exercises make up the basis on which many great European musicians were formed during the course of the last century. This is a demonstration of their efficacy!

Thanks to these exercises, you will read the notes but most of all, you will be able to play straight off written music on the piano, guitar or any other instrument you are able to play

As I explained in the previous lessons, you will be able to learn these exercises very easily thanks to the audio files below, which are numbered following the order of exercises on
Pdf files.
What is more, I have added a explanatory exercise which will help you understand how these exercises should be studied, in order to get the most out of them and optimize your learning.

Learning material of this lesson

Video Introduction to exercises
+ 1 pdf file
+ 9 audio files
... to continue this video lesson

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Piano, a new piece to learn to play (part 4)


Let’s play the whole piece

Today we will conclude this cycle of lessons in which you played a new piece.

We will focus on a detailed study of the most difficult passages and most importantly we will see the secrets of ‘changing row’.

We are now ready to introduce all the most difficult signs on the sheet music which contribute to make our piece even more musical.
We will see how to perform all the new signs which we analized in the first part of this first cycle of lessons (rall, fermata).

Now you are able to play a new piece  which is more difficult than the first one

Most of all, if you want to play a new piece on your own,  in which you find quavers and accidentals in key signature, you will know what to do.

You might not realize it but you are progressively learning to play the piano!

Learning material of this lesson

8 videos 45 mins
1. The first difficulty of passage of row 6m 24s
2. The second difficulty of passage of row 8m 39s
3. We tie the second and third row 5m 42s
4. Another suggestion for the last change of row 3m 39s
5. We play the whole piece 4m 31s
6. Some advice when studying any piano piece 3m 37s
7. We add expression symbols and dynamics 4m 37s
8. How to interpret new ‘tempo’ symbols and how to play them 7m 35s
... to continue this video lesson

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