The preparation of secondary seventh chords
In the lesson today, we will see a very important topic:
The preparation of secondary seventh chords.
This is an extremely interesting concept which allows to understand how to get the most out of secondary seventh chords.
As we will see, there are three distinct phases in using chords of this type.
We will put all of this into practice, speaking of minor seventh chords.
Finally, we will see how from a balanced mix of all the chords we know (triad or inversions, seventh chords and their inversions) very important harmonic effects can be obtained.
Learning material of this lesson
5 videos | 25 mins |
1. Introduction to the lesson | 2m 19s |
2. The preparation of secondary seventh chords | 7m 07s |
3. The three phases of secondary seventh chords | 3m 14s |
4. Minor seventh chords | 5m 57s |
5. Application of minor seventh chords | 7m 26s |

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