
The secret of really understanding modulations: the circle of fifths (part 3)


The circle of fifths

What do we mean with the term ‘circle of fifths’?
Why the tonalities are sorted in a circle?
Why do we need the enharmonic relation to create the circle of fifths?

These are some of the questions we will answer today. Then we will understand all the practical benefits of the using of circle of fifths.
At the end of the lesson we also introduce the essential concept of ‘closely related keys’ and we find a very quick method to find all the closely related keys.

In this way, after these video lessons you are ready to use modulation in a very effective way!
To get the most of this lesson I suggest you to watch before the following videos (if you haven’t already done):

The Equal Tempered System and the Enharmonic relation (part 1)

The Equal Tempered System and the Enharmonic relation (part 2)

Learning material of this lesson

6 videos 39 mins
1. Introduction to the lesson 3m 20s
2. The fifth relation and the circle of fifths 4m 53s
3. How can we obtain the circle of fifths 7m 23s
4. Closely related keys and distantly related keys 10m 53s
5. How to understand modulations through the circle of fifths 4m 50s
6. The major scale degrees and closely related keys: a very strong relation 7m 05s
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The secret of really understanding modulations: the circle of fifths (part 2)


The fifth relationship

Is there an easy way to know the key signature for every tonality?
The answer of course is yes and today I will show a step by step method to do it.

This is not the only topic we approach today: in fact we will also introduce the ‘fifth relation’ which allows us to understand more in depth modulation and how all the keys are tied to one another.

Have a good lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 30 mins
1. Introduction to the lesson 4m 07s
2. The fifth relation between major keys 7m 09s
3. The fifth relation between minor keys 3m 36s
4. Key signature and fifth relation 5m 26s
5. A very easy method to find the key signature for any tonality 10m 02s
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The secret of really understanding modulations: the circle of fifths (part 1)


How to understand relations between keys

What does ‘to modulate’ mean?
‘Modulation’ is the switching from one key to another.

Up to now in our video lessons we have worked only in one key at a time, but when we compose we often need to switch from one key to another. In order to be able to modulate in the right way, we need to understand in depth relationships between the different tonalities which are all tied together.

For this reason today we will start learning relations between keys that will allow us to understand modulations in depth.

Learning material of this lesson

6 videos 29 mins
1. The relations between tonalities 3m 17s
2. Different keys, common notes 6m 40s
3. A typical feature of tonalities, the key signature 4m 52s
4. Flat keys 3m 55s
5. The key signature for minor keys: permanent and temporary accidentals 4m 18s
6. Relations between major and minor keys 6m 13s
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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 13)


How to analyze a song

The lesson today is very important!

In fact we will analyze some very famous songs and musical pieces to understand how great composers have used all the tools that we have learned up to now.

In this way we see how these notes can make a musical piece very effective.

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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 12)


The ‘free notes’

Up to now in all these lessons we have composed many melodies using chord tones and all the different kind of non-harmonic tones that we have learned. But of course in this way we are using only a limited number of notes of the scale.

  • Can we also use all the other notes of the scale even if they are not either chord tones or non-harmonic tones?

If the answer is yes, how can we use all these notes obtaining some effective results?
So today we will focus on this essential topic and understand that all great musical pieces are made up of a well-balanced mixing of these kinds of notes.

For this reason in the next lesson we will analyze some very important songs and pieces, to understand how the greatest composers have used these notes.

Learning material of this lesson

3 videos 31 mins
1. Introduction to the lesson 3m 46s
2. What are ‘free notes’ – How to use them to compose a melody 14m 48s
3. How ‘free notes’ can change our chords 12m 33s
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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 11)


How to use non-harmonic tones with seventh chords

In the previous lessons we learned how to use non-haronic tones in the case of chords made up of only 3 notes (the triads).

  • But what happens if I decide to compose a melody using also seventh chords?
  • How can we use chord tones and non-harmonic tones in the case of seventh chords?

Today we will answer these questions and will understand that, depending on the kind of music that we want to compose, we can use choose between different solutions.

And in this we will have a higher array of musical tools.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 29 mins
1. Introduction to the new lesson 3m 19s
2. How to use chord tones in the case of seventh chords 4m 53s
3. Let’s learn to compose a melody by using seventh chords 5m 02s
4. Other melodies with seventh chords 9m 17s
5. Chord tones, non-harmonic tones and…a new kind of notes 7m 21s
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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 10)


The pedal tone

What is the pedal tone? It is a harmonic tone, like a passing tone, the ‘appoggiatura’ and so on.

But there is a very important feature that makes it a unique kind of non-harmonic tone. For this reason toady we will focus on pedal tone in depth.

We will learn how this note can change the whole harmonic result of a chord progression, especially if we use it in the bass.
And we will also understand how to use it in the right way, with several examples.

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 28 mins
1. Introduction to the new lesson 2m 19s
2. What is the pedal tone 4m 53s
3. The tonic pedal tone 9m 22s
4. The dominant pedal tone 3m 46s
5. The double pedal tone 7m 52s
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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 9)


How to use ties to compose an effective melody

In the last lessons we learned suspensions in depth. Today, starting from one of the most important features of suspensions, we introduce a new essential tool.

We learn how to use this new tool, to compose an effective melody and to improve other basic melodies.

This lesson is very important in order to learn composition!

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 28 mins
1. Why rhythm is so important to compose a melody 2m 43s
2. The tie between two bars: an essential new tool 6m 14s
3. How to compose a melody by using the tie (part 1) 7m 21s
4. How to compose a melody by using the tie (part 2) 7m 12s
5. The tie between many bars 4m 44s
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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 8)


The ‘suspension chord’

To compose in a very effective way we must start using harmony and melody together. In fact only by mixing them together we can obtain some good results.

This is maybe one of the most important topics that must be understood in depth in order to compose great music. So, as we have already done with ‘appoggiatura’, today we will use suspensions to change our chords.

In this way we can obtain some new chords that can be used in our compositions.
Moreover we will learn to improve our melodies by using suspensions.

Have a good lesson!

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 43 mins
1. How to change seventh chords with suspensions 7m 02s
2. Other chord progressions with suspensions 6m 09s
3. The ‘suspension chord’ 6m 09s
4. How to compose an effective melody by using suspensions (part 1) 7m 54s
5. How to compose an effective melody by using suspensions (part 2) 15m 44s
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Composition: here are the notes that make your music more effective (part 7)


How to use suspensions effectively

Suspensions, just like ‘appoggiatura’, are a very important tool to give our music an interesting flavor. If we analiyze some good songs, we can notice how these notes are essential to make that music so effective.

But to be able to use them in the right way, it is essential to know them in depth.
For this reason in today’s lesson we will cover many topics such as:

  • Which are the main differences between suspension and ‘appoggiatura’
  • The resolution of a suspension on other weak beats
  • The relationship between preparation and suspension
  • How to use ascending suspensions
  • How we can change the whole harmonic result by using suspensions

Learning material of this lesson

5 videos 34 mins
1. ‘Appoggiatura’ and suspensions 6m 29s
2. How to resolve a suspension on other weak beats, obtaining a great result 9m 57s
3. Let’s start using ascending suspensions 6m 32s
4. Simultaneous suspensions 5m 44s
5. How to change a chord by using suspensions 4m 54s
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